Animal Defense Legal Fund
ALDF - The Defense Never Rests
The Animal Legal Defense Fund was born of a bold vision: that the lives and interests of animals — in research labs, on farms, in the wild and in our own communities — would one day be recognized and protected by law.
Few shared that vision when ALDF was founded. Most Americans thought
animals were already protected. Others cynically encouraged, and profited from, this tragically mistaken belief. And the animals suffered. Out of earshot. And beyond the reach of the law.
They're still suffering, of course. But they're beginning to be heard. Every day, the realization grows that precious few laws exist to safeguard animals — and that these laws are not just inadequate, but often are not even enforced. Every day, we move closer to the moment when American justice sees animals as living, feeling beings — and not as pieces of property, to be used and disposed of at the whim of their human masters

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